A System for Setting Goals

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I have noticed a lack of true goals in many people I encounter. Sure they often describe desires and wishes that they have in some categorized list. How many of us have things we want to achieve today, tomorrow or say a week from now? Setting meaningful goals is the easiest way to take control of your future. 

Setting goals are for people with a clear purpose. It allows you to visualize the journey and the outcome whilst providing motivation and direction. In fact, for many, the goals themselves become their purpose in life. With so much, many of us wish to achieve in life, setting goals helps us frame our world so that we live life to it's fullest. 

Set SMART Goals:

     Specific: Goals should be precise and clear.
     Measurable: Goals should be quantifiable.
     Attainable: Goals should be reachable.
     Relevant: Goals should pertain to your values and career.
     Time Bound: Goals should come with a completion date. 

Well defined goals are a call-to-action that keeps you focused. Your habits and behaviors should be in alignment with the desired results. Knowing exactly what you want and what inspired you are key when setting goals. 

Building habits around short-term and long-term goals practically guarantee success. Set up a system around your goals. Once you have a system in place to achieve your goals, things get easier. Setting goals with a system cut your efforts in half. A good system also provides intermediate rewards when working toward goals.

Write your goals down. Journal and reassess your goals as you move along keep your efforts honest. Tracking your progress with a journal adds a sense of a story being told like chronically an epic journey. Remember the journey should be appreciated as much as the goal. 

To Learn More Click Here!

Goals on Track
Goal Software for High Achievers
